Over the Top - Lombok Hillclimb
ENGLISH BELOW Malaka merupakan desa di Lombok Utara yang keren banget. Pemandangan dari sana ke arah pulau Gili adalah tebing-tebing tinggi dan pantai pasir putih yang indah banget. Semuanya bisa...
ENGLISH BELOW Malaka merupakan desa di Lombok Utara yang keren banget. Pemandangan dari sana ke arah pulau Gili adalah tebing-tebing tinggi dan pantai pasir putih yang indah banget. Semuanya bisa...
My breath was short, my body completely relaxed, my mind screaming. Eighteen hours into what would be a twenty-two-hour, thousand-mile race I gripped the handlebars of my motorcycle and kept...
The first edition of the Swank Rally Tunisia was nothing short of amazing. A joint production from Deus Ex Machina, Adventure Riding, and enduro wizard Alessandro Botturi, the event was...
English text below. Suatu tempat di Pulau Jawa..Ada sebuah tempat di Jawa di mana suara deburan ombak dan hamparan pasir hitam eksotis yang berlumpur menciptakan suasana yang aneh namun menenangkan...
This is the story of a magical place, beyond the dangers and señoritas of Tijuana, hanging off the edge of Mexico is a beautiful place called Baja; The home of...
Deus Ex Machina and FCS present 'The Long Road to Grajagan'. Directed by James Kates starring Beau Foster, Jared Mell and Tom Morat. The boys traversed Indonesias winding jungle...
Three riders embark on a journey to a place away from civilization in search of a wave that has been mystified and fanatically spoken about for decades. As part of...
Bigger than ever, the fourth edition of the Swank Rally di Sardegna is wrapped. We got on board the ferry with 350 people from 10 nations including pilots, assistances, and...
You might have seen the movie where Steve Carrel had his chest waxed, the movie is called the ‘40 Year Old Virgin’, (if you haven’t seen it, or need a...
After a successful first edition of The Ride to The Wall, we promised ourselves we'd participate again for The Wall #2. And it's done! Same program as last year, except for a few...
The Noosa Festival Of Surfing is on, with some of the best longboarding you'll find. And when we aren't competing, we are surfing some more. And when we aren't surfing we're drinking...
We’ve all been in this stagnant state for two years, locked in position by forces out of our control. But our minds were never slowed, they jump so fast from...
We are chuffed to push a new film coming to the world very shortly; The Desert Said Dance. It's been some time since we've felt this awe inspired at the end of...
Chapter 1 Sometimes adventure is literally calling you. 2 boys, 6 months and one idea: depart from Deus Zurich and go all the way to the Deus Bali store, all...
It was about a week out that we saw a swell headed our way. It appeared as a big red cloud of potential creeping up the west coast of Australia...
This is a story about three friends. All of whom herald from the same small coastal town in Western Java, all of whom had fallen under the spell of surfing....