The Rolling Queen, a fiery creation of the Deus Workshop in Milan, emerged as the offspring of an electrifying collaboration with our friends from Royal Enfield. The mission? To craft...
The Rolling Queen, a fiery creation of the Deus Workshop in Milan, emerged as the offspring of an electrifying collaboration with our friends from Royal Enfield. The mission? To craft...
The sought after Wood frame and Rotax motor had slept silently in the Deus LA workshop for years. This extended slumber was rudely ended when we decided to ship the...
Production of the SR400 officially came to an end in 2021 and we couldn’t let it leave the party without paying tribute. Our friends at Infini Sports Group had the...
My breath was short, my body completely relaxed, my mind screaming. Eighteen hours into what would be a twenty-two-hour, thousand-mile race I gripped the handlebars of my motorcycle and kept...
It doesn't get much more custom than hand-smelted badges, a new gold standard (or in this case, copper) of personalisation for our Camperdown workshop. As a nod to his trade...
Get ready for an electrifying rendezvous at the Terenzano Speedway track, as Dust & Fun unleashes its third date with a fiery passion. Once again, in exhilarating collaboration with the...
The first edition of the Swank Rally Tunisia was nothing short of amazing. A joint production from Deus Ex Machina, Adventure Riding, and enduro wizard Alessandro Botturi, the event was...
Be not afraid! Named for the fearsome, angelic figures who guide Odin's followers into the afterlife, the Valkyrie is a leaner, modern incarnation of one of our all-time great builds....
A long term Bali resident bought an old 2003 Suzuki GS 250cc to the Deus Temple one day. Known as a Thunder, time had not been kind to this bike as it...
The infamous Kawasaki W650, a familiar face in the Deus workshop; a motorcycle that chief grease monkey Jeremy could assemble with his eyes closed at this point (The only thing...
No manufacturer has leaned into 'modern classic' style motorcycles harder than Triumph, half of their current line-up harkens to the tenets of old-school simplicity. One of the smallest motorcycles in...
Cafe racer conversions are nothing new, especially to us, but this particular build presented a couple of opportunities to do something fresh. The original spirit of cafe racers can be...
Bigger than ever, the fourth edition of the Swank Rally di Sardegna is wrapped. We got on board the ferry with 350 people from 10 nations including pilots, assistances, and...
As with all the good and funny things, also Dust & Fun Cup arrived at its last chapter.The third date of this three-weekend flat track cup was also the very...
Is the Yamaha XSR700 a cool bike? This question has formed a divide amongst the Deus House of Simple Pleasures not seen since the infamous chicken parmi or parma debate...
The second edition of Dust & Fun showed what flat track pilots are made of.Bravely facing the hot Italian July and regardless of the call of beaches, sea and ice cream,...
Zero Engineering is a custom motorcycle manufacturer, known for its interpretation of post-war hardtail Harleys. The "Zero Style" is synonymous with ZE founder Shinya Kimura, his choice of low-slung gooseneck...
Akira follows the story of best friends Shōtarō Kaneda and Tetsuo Shima, the leaders of the vigilante bosozoku motorcycle gang the Capsules as they battle against both their rival gangs...
If you are into bikes and haven’t heard of the Distinguished Gentlemens Ride, your either off the grid or living in some sequestered spot of the globe. Bali may be...
It's been 15 years since we opened our first shop in Camperdown, screaming into Australia and the world's cultural consciousness, and It’s safe to say we’ve seen a lot. Since...
Bike customisation is about being reborn, just applied to a mechanical, mostly inert object. You start off with a complete strip down and then head down the arduous one way...
Yamaha’s Yardbuilt isn’t new but it wasn’t until the release of the XSR 155 that it moved into Indonesia. The Deus Ex Machina Temple of Enthusiasm’s Bengkel (‘Bengkel’ is Workshop...
Our Seoul brothers have done it again, this time with custom under-bone Dearim CT100s. Born from Pandemic restrictions and a yearning to see friends while pursuing fresh air and clear waters, our identical twins came to...
The Deus Squalo (Translating to The Deus Shark) has the unattainable ambition to be a motorcycle inspired by the Citroen DS. On a Saturday in December, 1963, a genius named...