Powder Tools in Hakuba, Japan

Time was of the essence as sunlight sinks fast and early in winter, but riders Yusuke and Hyuga wasted none of it.
After departing from the gondola of a Hakuba ski resort a seven man crew of young riders hiked to their target summit over two hours away. Photographers, videographers and drone pilots picked their spots and the Deus riders were set to drop in. Fifteen year old Hyuga was in fine form despite being away from the mountain for a full season. This was the first ever time Hyuga had travelled solo but was completely at home on the slopes, charging the mountain and making the most of the single-take ride down the mountain.
Local legend would have you believe that the lodge our crew stayed in is haunted by benevolent ghosts, perhaps Yusuke and Hyuga were possessed that day, their performance was convincing evidence.
Yusuke rides the Tinoza and Hyuga is on the Mule, both designed by Takuya 'tappy' Yoshikawa for our powder tools collection.