TW, comes from the abbreviation of ‘Trail Way’, Yamaha’s motorbike they dubbed the “Adventure Machine," a bike built to blazing across the uncharted roads. The TW became infamous in its associated with the great motorcycle adventurer, Shinji Kazama who rode a TW200 to the North pole in 87.'  Another wonderful Trivial Pursuit moment is that Kazama is one of only a few to ride a motorbike to both poles.

In Japan, the TW is more synonymous with the early 90’s “Suka-Tune” era of custom bikes.  The style of stripping off the fairings and covers of a bike to expose everything underneath, making them appear as it were. ‘Sukeru’ is Japanese for transparent or see-through. At that time the youth of Japan scrambled to tweak and present their best rendition of the new style.

Despite Japan falling into its historic recession after the burst of the Economic Bubble in the early 90’s, Yamaha saw motorcycle dealers nationwide experiencing months long waiting lists for the fat-tire Adventure Machines.  It was the popular and affordable choice at the time and “TW’ers” (custom TW’s or riders of..) were spotted all over the streets of Japan. The Suka-Tune, therefore, became strongly associated with the TW and you could see young riders tearing through town on these bikes, glancing sideways at adults wandering confused amidst the “uncharted roads” of economic stagnation.

It was around this time, Deus founders Dare Jennings and Carby Tuckwell came to Japan for a visit and experienced ‘Ura-Hara’ (the back streets of Harajuku) The area was humming with hordes of motorcycles and their subcultural fashion.  What they saw, this cultural buzz, was definitely something that became part of the ideas and inspiration that eventually gave life to what we today know as Deus Ex Machina.  Apparently, TWs were ubiquitous during their visit. Which isn’t surprising as these motorcycles definitely represented that era.

According to Deus Japan Bike Builder, Tomoyuki Soeda, whose ridden more than his fair share of bikes over the years, there is no other motorcycle out there as functional or perfectly sized than the TW.  And if he were to go out today to buy a functional bike for quick rides around town, he’d definitely be choosing one of these. Of all the Yamaha greats, Soeda reckons this bike is the best of the best and that fact weighed heavily on his decision to re-create a little of this subculture classic in our DIRT DAUBER.

In the midst of the global pandemic, citizens are reconsidering their methods of commute.  Many are enrolling in driving schools to get their motorcycle licenses.  Maxi scooters and other convenient two-wheeled rides are great too, but in the spirit of the great motorcycle adventurer, Shinji Kazama… how about getting out and about on our customized TW “adventure machine”


車名TWの意味は、Trail Way(トレールウェイ)から由来しており、道なき道を走破する「アドベンチャーマシン」を意味している。車名、由来とは裏腹”裏原”にスカチューン、ティーダバーたる言葉が生まれたのは90s半ばバブル崩壊後だった。


ちょうどこの頃、DEUS創始者デア ジェニングス、カービー タックェルは日本を訪れていた。裏原には多種多様なバイクとファッションが賑わいを見せていて、DEUSと言うブランドをイメージする要素になったと語っている。とりわけTWは多かったと….

DEUS JAPAN BIKE BUILDER 添田智之曰く、チョイ乗りの足として自身が所有するとしたら間違いなくTWだ。殆どのバイクを乗ってきたが、これほどサイズ感、機能性に優れたbikeは無い。数有るYAMAHAの名車の中でも一番だ。と豪語している。時に氏はそんな事言った?とはぐらかすことがあるが…



Built by Tomoyuki Soeda
Photos by Toyohiro Zenita