Deus Portal Club

How it happens that someone like @mauriziotentella is able to get into the Portal Club? Well, everyone is welcome in the Portal Club, but TNT came in secret, sneaking around and tailing strangers. And what he found inside has convinced him to come back often. He who seek shall find, and Maurizio knows it.


Ma come ci arrivato uno come @mauriziotentella al Portal Club? Premesso che sono tutti i benvenuti, uno come TNT ci arriva di nascosto, sgattaiolando dietro ad usci che si chiudono e pedinando sconosciuti a quello che ha scoperto lass, lo ha convinto a tornarci spesso. Chi cerca trova e Maurizio lo sa.

Video @bearoll Music by Kevin MacLeod Loopster ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Surf Inspector ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Cool Rock ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License